My Harvest is Bounty

Amie is 39 years old. She is the second wife of her husband and has 6 children under her care.

Amie is a seasonal peasant farmer and a gardener and her husband is a blacksmith both of them live in extended family settings in Tabajang Village, Jimara, Upper River The Gambia.

 “As a gardener, I used to cultivate onion every season and my harvest has never exceeded 100kg, equivalent to 5 bags. The income I made from this activity was not enough and could not meet my family’s basic needs”. Amie narrates

“Thanks to SOS Children’s Villages Sustainable Nutrition Improvement Project for their timely intervention, the first year I started cultivation in my garden, I harvested 400kg of onion equivalent to 20 bags. I sold 320kg (16 bags) worth of D11’ 000. And 80kg (4 bags) were consumed at home. I bought 2 goats from the income generated and bought dresses, shoes, school uniforms, and books for all my children. And the rest of the money used for fish money to support my husband anytime he is out of pocket”.

Amie in her garden

Amie is hopeful that, this season, she will be expecting to increase her beds to cultivate more onion and other vegetable crops.  “I believed this year’s harvest will totally change my life. I thank EU through the SNIP Project for their support ranging from capacity building training as well as the technical support provided during cultivations”.

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