The purpose of this program is to allow children who are at risk of losing the care of their family, to grow up in a family environment and care, by empowering families, strengthening their ability to protect and care for their children and also, through strengthening the safety net for vulnerable children and their families in communities.
It is in a child’s best interests to remain with the family of origin as long as the family is providing adequate care. In partnership with community organisations and governments, we work to strengthen vulnerable families in order to prevent family breakdown and separation of children from their families. In family strengthening, we also work with kinship care, where children are supported to live with their extended family. Where necessary we partner with the state and other stakeholders to provide access to basic healthcare and quality education to support childrenand families to become self-reliant. Humanitarian emergency situations invariably lead to family separation and loss of security and livelihood. In such situations, we provide protection for unaccompanied children and young people, we actively support family reunification, and we assistfamilies to overcome trauma and rebuild their lives. For children who cannot be reunified with their family, we work with authorities to find a suitable care placement.
We work directly with families and communities to effectively enable them to protect and care for their children in cooperation with local authorities and other service providers.Each program comprises a package of services to support families and communities in assuming their responsibility to protect and care for their children, which includes:Availability of services for children and young people (nutrition, health, education, promotion of rights, among others);Psychosocial support (home visits, psychological psychosocial care;Parental training; Qualification/Professional Training.The decision on the services to be provided, as well as the duration of support, is based on the individual family development plan and according to the specific needs and priorities of each family and/or association.
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